The theme of the conference is Intercultural Communication in Language Education and its purpose is to promote the core values of the JALT's ICLE SIG: exchange ideas and share best practices for incorporating culture in various settings, thereby, bringing practice and research together. Presenters are invited to share diverse methods, approaches and experiences related to intercultural communication in the language classroom. We are looking for practical and pedagogical activities and research oriented presentations focusing on raising intercultural awareness and enhancing cultural understanding.
View Sessions
- The easiest way to view the sessions is via the Live Schedule. Or via clicking the titles of individual sessions.
- To join the conference, you need to do three things: 1) Join Edzil.la 2) Join the ICLE event space (here), and 3) get a free ticket
- To join the conference, please follow the instructions to log into this site.
- Inquiries about the conference should be sent via the Contact page.
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