Gareth Humphreys


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PresentationA overview of a MOOC for intercultural learning more

Sat, Jul 10, 13:00-13:30 Asia/Tokyo

The presentation outlines a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for intercultural learning, oriented towards intercultural citizenship and Global Englishes. In a context of reduced student mobility, the presentation aims to provide an example of intercultural learning for home contexts. A pedagogical framing of the independent e-learning MOOC, hosted on Moodle, is outlined before an overview of the 10 units: defining culture; intercultural communication; stereotyping; individuals and cultures; exploring own cultures; working with others; global English; English in Japan; English diversity; and, intercultural citizenship. Free access is available for teachers to use the MOOC in their own contexts. Analysis of student reflective writing data on the MOOC will lead to the development of an illustrative example model for intercultural education in home contexts, drawing on related research as part of a Kakenhi-funded project. The aims of the MOOC and subsequent analysis of intercultural learning are outlined in the presentation.

Gareth Humphreys