Cecilia Silva
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PresentationRe-define features for intercultural encounters more
Sat, Jul 10, 14:30-15:00 Asia/Tokyo
After the COVID-19 pandemic closed the spaces we had built for intercultural encounters Regarding interactions, two key questions have emerged. Do we need to re-define spaces for intercultural exchanges? How can we build virtual spaces for exchanges? We conducted online exchanges between students in first year Spanish and Spanish speaking students. This aim of this work is to determine which aspects of intercultural exchange students are missing in the absence of face-to-face interaction, to elicit suggestions for a more natural interaction, and to discover which intercultural nuances can students understand in a virtual environment. As a qualitative research, data taken from a survey conducted after the exchanges is qualified. In practice, the focus is to consider effective ways to build an online space for intercultural encounters. As a theoretical framework, we use the Theory of Cultural-Historical Activity, and we analyze the concept of mediation within the intercultural models we use.